Audit Reports

Compliance Performance

Report of 2011 - Performance Audit on Civil of Government of Tripura

Date on which Report Tabled:
Date of sending the report to Government
Government Type
Sector Taxes and Duties,Finance,Transport & Infrastructure,Power & Energy,Environment and Sustainable Development,Agriculture and Rural Development,Education, Health & Family Welfare,Social Infrastructure


The Report contains 20 audit paragraphs (including 4 general paragraphs), 3 performance reviews and an Integrated Audit of the Forest Department. The draft audit paragraphs and draft performance reviews were sent to the Secretary of the Departments concerned with a request to furnish replies within six weeks. However, in respect of two audit reviews and 9 audit paragraphs included in the Report, no replies were received till the time of finalisation of the Report (October 2011). A synopsis of the important findings contained in the Report is presented in this overview.

The State had performed quite well on the parameters of establishing schools in all areas to provide universal access to the students. Performance in enrolment had also been good, backed up by a Household survey of all school going children. Only minor problems relating to mainstreaming of refugee children and enrolment of migrant children remained to be tackled. Attendance in schools was poor and is a cause of concern which needs to be addressed appropriately. The number of teachers was also far in excess of SSA norms but inadequacy of teachers in science and mathematics and irrational deployment was a major concern. The status of training of teachers was poor with only 22 per cent of trained teachers. There were local variations in qualitative performance among schools, especially the relatively poor performance of the ST children which needs attention. Inadequate infrastructure, absence of a full time Headmaster and not using teaching aids also constrained the success of elementary education in the State for better qualitative performance. Supervision, monitoring and evaluation needs strengthening to achieve the desired outcomes.

The reported achievement (98 per cent) of plantation vis-a-vis target was not consistent with the Forest Survey of India Report (2009) which reflected a degradation and loss of 79 sq km of forest cover in the State in two years and also the actual performance in the two major Schemes (NAP and JICA) showing shortfall in plantation of 13,122 ha (35 per cent of the target) during the same period. The plantation activity suffered due to delay in sanction and release of funds. Audit also detected discrepancies in reported area of plantation and cases of off season plantation, absence of scheduled post planting maintenance etc. JFMC being a central and integral part of all activities had not been extended to cover all panchayat areas which resulted in deprival of benefits to the targeted communities.

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