Reports older than 2009

Page 2 of 4, showing 10 records out of 38 total

06 March 2021
Compliance Audit Report on Government of Uttarakhand for the year ended 31 March 2019

Overview This Report contains 18 compliance audit paragraphs with financial implications of ` 305.75 crore. The total expenditure of the State increased from ` 26,254 crore to ` 38,564 crore during 2014-15 to 2018-19. The revenue expenditure of the...

Sector: Environment and Sustainable Development | Finance | Science and Technology | Industry and Commerce | Agriculture and Rural Development | Art, Culture and Sports | Social Welfare | Social Infrastructure | Education, Health & Family Welfare | General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies | Information and Communication | Power & Energy | Transport & Infrastructure | Taxes and Duties
10 December 2019
Compliance Performance
Report No. 2 of 2019 - Government of Uttarakhand

This Report contains two performance audits viz. on (i) System of Procurement, Storage, Transportation and Distribution of foodgrains under Public Distribution System, and (ii) Revenue Receipts from Forest Department, and 23 compliance audit...

Sector: Taxes and Duties | General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies
10 December 2019
Report No. 1 of 2019 - State Finances, Government of Uttarakhand

This Report on the finances of the Government of Uttarakhand is being brought out to assess the financial performance of the State during the year 2017-18 vis-à-vis the Budget and recommendations of Fourteenth Finance Commission (FFC) and analyse...

Sector: Finance
22 February 2019
Report No.2 of 2018 - Performance audit on Reconstruction of Infrastructure Post 2013 Disaster in Uttarakhand, Government of Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand witnessed a devastating natural disaster during 15 to 17 June 2013 in the form of cloud bursts and heavy to very heavy rainfall in most parts of the higher reaches of Himalayas. This unprecedented rainfall resulted in flash floods and...

Sector: Social Infrastructure | General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies
26 March 2018
Report No.2 of 2017 - State Finances Government of Uttarakhand

This Report on the finances of the Government of Uttarakhand is being brought out to assess the financial performance of the State during the year 2016-17 vis-à-vis the Budget and recommendations of Fourteenth Finance Commission and analyses the...

Sector: Finance
20 October 2018
Report No.1 of 2018 - Government of Uttarakhand

This Report contains two performance audits viz. on (i) Rejuvenation of River Ganga, (ii) National Rural Drinking Water Programme and 24 compliance audit paragraphs including one follow-up audit with financial implications of ` 877.65 crore. This...

Sector: General Sector Ministries and Constitutional Bodies
23 September 2020
ATIR on Panchayat Raj Institutions & Urban Local Bodies for the year ended 31 March 2017, Government of Uttarakhand.

ATIR on Panchayat Raj Institutions & Urban Local Bodies for the year ended 31 March 2017

Sector: Local Bodies
02 May 2017
Report 2 of 2016 - State Finances Uttarakhand

This Report on the finances of the Government of Uttarakhand is being brought out to assess the financial performance of the State during the year 2015-16 vis-à-vis the Budget and recommendations of Fourteenth Finance Commission and analyses the...

Sector: Finance
02 May 2017
Compliance Performance
Report No 1 of 2017 - Social General Economic Sectors Uttarakhand

This Report contains three performance audits viz. on (i) Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE), Act 2009, (ii) Modernisation of the State Police Force, and (iii) Levy and Collection of Stamp Duty and Registration Fee and 22...

Sector: Social Infrastructure
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