Are courses not approved by RAC conducted by RTI?
Yes, additional courses desired by Headquarters and user offices are conducted by RTI. These courses are however, approved by RAC in the subsequent meeting.
What is RAC?
It is “Regional Advisory Committee” which comprises the member representatives from all the user offices as well as our Headquarters training wing. This committee meets twice in a year, generally in months of February/March and September /October. The RAC finalizes the “Annual Training Calendar” for the RTI.
How one working in IA&AD is nominated for training?
The nomination is made by user offices for the courses approved by Regional Advisory Committee.
Can an Officer(s)/Official(s) not working in IAAD be trained at Regional Training Institute, Jaipur ?
No, this Institute provides training to personnel working under Indian Audit and Accounts Department only.
Which are the user offices of Regional Training Institute, Jaipur ?
As on date, the Institute caters primarily to the training needs of 22 offices (for General programmes and EDP programmes) located in the states of Rajasthan and Delhi.
Who is trained at Regional Training Institute ?
This institute caters to the training requirements of Group A (including Group officers), Group B and C staff of the user offices as well as other offices of Indian Audit and Accounts Department in some specialized course.
Where are the other RTIs situated ?
Other RTIs are situated at : Allahabad, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jammu, Nagpur, Kolkata, Mumbai, Ranchi and Shillong
When did Regional Training Institute, Jaipur come into existence?
Regional Training Institute, Jaipur came into existence , in February 1986
What is Regional Training Institute?
Regional Training Institute (RTI). It is situated at Jaipur. It comes under Indian Audit & Accounts Department. There are total Ten such RTIs in this department ""and Two Regional Training Centers(RTCs) "Delhi and Bangalore".