About Us
East Central Railway came into existence on 01.10.2002. The office of the Director General of Audit was established in February 2003. Separation of cadre was put in place on 01.04.2006. The Office of the Director General of Audit (DGA), East Central Railway (ECR) is situated in GM Office complex at Hajipur. There are five Divisions, located at Danapur(DNR), Dhanbad(DHN), Mugalasarai(MGS), Samstipur(SPJ) and Sonepur (SEE) . In each division, one Sr.Divisional Audit Officer (Sr.DAO) is posted along with required man power as detailed in subsequent paragpaphs. There are two workshops (W/S), namely Carriage & Wagon W/S (Harnaut) and Wagon Mfg. Shop at SPJ; five Loco Sheds- (two electrical sheds, one each at MGS and Gomo, three diesel sheds, one each at Patratu-DHN, MGS and SPJ); one plant at MGS for manufacturing bridge related items and one wheel production plant at Bela. The workshop at Samastipur is under Sr.DAO, Samastipur. Besides, there are four separate audit wings namely ZHAT (Zonal Hqrs. Audit team)-I , II ,III and IV and Construction Audit wings (CON-1 &CON-II). The ZHAT wings are located at Hajipur and CON wings are located on Railway premises in Patna at Mahendrughat (3th floor). The present office premise for PDA’s Office at Hajipur and office premises at Divisional Audit Offices at respective divisions have been provided by Railway administration.