RTI Act 2005:-
Under the Provision of Right to the Information Act, 2005, the Public Information Officer of this office is Shri S Samidurai (Admn), Office of the Director General of Audit, II nd Floor, NGO Complex, SR Headquarters, Park Town, Chennai-600 003.
Information under the Right to Information Act, 2005 may be obtained by enclosing a Demand Draft or Banker’s Cheque or Indian Postal Order of Rs.10/- (Rupees ten only) along with the application, drawn in favour of: “FA & Chief Accounts Officer, SR, Chennai” payable at Chennai.
First Appellate Authority:-
Ms. Anim Cherian, Director General of Audit, Office of the Director General of Audit, IInd Floor, G M Building, SR Headquarters, Park Town, Chennai-600 003.
For seeking information relating to this office, nominated authorities can be contacted by following the links:
Public can lodge their RTI applications relating to SR through