शासन प्रबंध
- Correspondence/sanctions regarding (a) continuation of temporary posts and (b) conversion of temporary posts into permanent ones.
- Re-employment and acceptance of Commercial employment after retirement.
- Permanent absorption of staff.
- Matters relating to resignation including voluntary retirement.
- Permission for various competitive examinations and academic examinations.
- Extension/retention in service beyond 50/55 years of age and after 30 years of qualifying service under FR 56(J).
- General matters of Service Books and Verification of Services.
- UN Audit/Embassy Audit/Foreign posting and Expenditure incurred on deputation/delegation sent abroad.
- Handling of gradation lists of Branch Audit Offices.
- Preparation and approval of panels for grant of financial upgradation under ACP/MACP/NFU scheme and issue of orders in respect of DSCs to be convened in Central Office including Sr. Audit Officers, Audit Officers, Assistant Audit Officers, Supervisor and Stenographers cadre & Group “B” non gazetted and Group “C” posts of Central office.
- Approval of panels for grant of financial upgradation under ACP/MACP scheme in respect of Group “B” non gazetted and Group “C” posts of BAOs
- Maintenance of APARs of staff including matters related to SPARROW.
- Inward and outward statistical returns relating to above matters.
- General measures for filling up vacancies in various cadres.
- Recruitment and appointment including appointment on compassionate grounds and sports quota.
- Preparation, approval of panels and issue of promotion orders of Sr. Audit Officers, Assistant Audit Officers, Supervisors, Stenographers cadre.
- Preparation, Approval of panels and issue of promotion orders for Group “B” non gazetted and Group “C” posts of Central Office.
- Scrutiny and Approval of panels of DPCs/ DSCs received from BAOs.
- De-reservation proposals connected with recruitment and promotion of staff.
- Confirmation and Seniority related matters.
- Major re-organisation of F&C Audit including residual matters.
- Inter office transfer and deputation of staff.
- Preparation of gradation list of Sr. Audit Officers/Audit Officers/Asstt. Audit Officers of the P&T Audit Organisation
- Preparation of combined eligibility list of Sr. AOs for induction to IA&AS.
- All matters relating to departmental examinations.
- Training requirement in respect of Information Technology courses and nomination for such training in Central Office and BAOs.
- Training classes for the candidates for various departmental examinations.
- Incentives on possessing higher qualifications.
- Special allowance to SOGE passed officials.
- Matters relating to training including in house training of staff.
- Inward and outward statistical returns relating to the above subjects.
- Service Association related matters.
- All cases of Payment of honorarium.
- Allotment of Unique ID
- Cash award/Merit Certificate.
- Scholarships.
- Inward and outward statistical returns relating to the above subjects.
- All cases of anomaly arising out of promotion/pay fixation.
- Medical claims of staff of BAOs requiring approval of the Head of Department/Headquarters Office.
- Pensioner related matters.
- Receipt, scrutiny and disposal of all sanctions/orders etc. issued by the Government of India or the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and issue of clarifications whenever required, in respect of Pay, Special Pay, Fixation of Pay, D.A., H.R.A., O.T.A, Honorarium, Children Education Allowance, Increment, Cash Book and Drawal of Bills, G.P.F., Pension, D.C.R.G., Commutation of pension, Leave salary/pension contribution, T.A., L.T.C., Medical Reimbursement, P.L.I., CGEIS, Income Tax claim, C.G.H.S., and other related matters.
- Change of Home Town.
- Extension of time limit to bring family from one station to another.
- Grant of special pay to cashier/caretaker etc.
- Representations addressed to the Comptroller and Auditor General of India/Director General of Audit but withheld by Director General of Audit/Branch Audit Offices of all officers other than Group ‘A’.
- Change in Date of Birth/Name.
- Continuation of same person on same seat.
- Late attendance.
- Holidays and weekly offs.
- Commendation letters to retirees.
- Immovable property returns of Group “B” staff of BAOs and all staff of Central Office.
- Cases of permission/intimation for immovable and moveable property/loans etc. under CCS conduct rules.
- Issue of No Objection Certificate (NOC) for going abroad.
- Inward and outward statistical returns relating to the above subjects.
- Legal matters including Implementation of CAT’s/Court’s orders and preparing/vetting of counter affidavits/counter replies.
- Payment of legal charges to the Govt. Standing Counsel/Advocates engaged for defending/pleading the cases on behalf of the Department.
- All matters relating to Right to Information Act 2005.
- Disciplinary and vigilance cases relating to Group 'B' and “C” staff.
- Break in service and condonation thereof.
- All matters relating to complaints against employees and offices of the P&T Audit Organisation.
- Matters relating to Sexual Harassment of working women.
- Inward and outward statistical returns relating to the above subject.
- Preparation of pay bills including drawal and disbursement of pay and allowances.
- Preparation of bills for payment of advances and other miscellaneous payments.
- Preparation of income tax returns and correspondence thereof.
- General Provident Fund
- Personal claims i.e, Travelling Allowance bills, Leave Travel Concession bills, Children Education Allowance bills and Medical bills including their advances.
- Watching recovery of interest bearing advances through control
- registers prescribed for the purpose.
- Watching recovery of advances of Travelling Allowance, Leave Travel Concession and Medical through control registers prescribed for the purpose.
- Reconciliation of expenditure.
- All matters related to IAAS Officers of Central Office, including personal claims.
- All proposals or references received from Branch Audit Offices in respect of Group “A” Officers in administrative matters
- Maintenance of service books and leave accounts.
- Pay fixation of Officers and staff of Central Office including release of annual/ other increments
- Preparation of gradation list of all employees of Central office.
- APARs of staff of Central Office
- Retirement benefits of staff of Central Office
- Intra sectional transfers and posting including relieving of staff of Central Office.
- Verification of characters and antecedents.
As per Article 343 of the Constitution, Hindi is the official language of India. The Government of India was entrusted with the duty of promotion and development of the Hindi language under Article 351 so that it could serve as a medium of expression for all elements of the composite culture of India. As a follow-up action, the Official Languages Act, 1963 was enacted by the Parliament followed by the Official Language Rules, 1976. In pursuance of the Constitutional provisions, this office is notified under rule 10(4) of the Official Language Rules, 1976 and every effort is made to ensure compliance of the provisions of the Official Language Act, 1963 and the Official Language Rules, 1976 made thereunder. Compliance of all the directives issued by the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs is ensured, and all the work related to implementation of Official Language is executed by the Rajbhasha Section -
- Ensure to achieve the targets set in the annual program issued by the Department of Official Language.
- Translation of all the audit reports into Hindi.
- Translation of various office documents from English to Hindi and from Hindi to English as per requirement.
- Organize regular quarterly meetings of Official Language Implementation Committees and issue minutes of the meetings.
- Send quarterly reports and compliance reports to the Headquarters Office and Department of Official Language regarding the progressive use of Hindi.
- Forward Annual Hindi Report to the Headquarters Office.
- Ensure to purchase the Hindi books as per rules.
- Send the half yearly report to the Town Official Language Implementation Committee and participate in the related meetings.
- Inspection of Hindi related work of various sections of the office.
- Arrange training for Hindi Prabodh, Praveen and Pragya and Hindi typing under the Hindi Teaching Scheme.
- Organizing Hindi Divas / Fortnight in the office.
- Publication of the annual Hindi magazine 'यमुनातीरे'.
- Notifying the subordinate offices under Rule10(4) of the Official Language Rules, 1976
- Reviewing quarterly reports of subordinate offices.
- Monitoring the implementation of Official Language in all subordinate offices and accordingly take appropriate action and issue guidelines.
- Budget proposals for the F&C Audit Department as a whole.
- Distribution of funds amongst the Branch Audit Offices and Central Office.
- Control over expenditure and consolidation of figures received from BAOs and submission to Hqrs. Office.
- Preparation of material for Appropriation Accounts for F&C Audit Organisation.
- Scrutiny of proposals and issue of sanctions in respect of procurements of furniture, photo copy machine, fax machine, air conditioners and other items for Branch Audit Offices, wherever approval of the Head of Department is required.
- Grant in Aid/Adhoc Grant in Aid to Recreation clubs.
- Review of expenditure to Headquarters Office.
- Revised Estimates and Budget Estimates in respect of pay and allowances and also Loans and Advances.
- Expenditure statement in respect of House Building Advances
- Proposal for special Contingencies.
- Delegation of Financial Powers to Heads of Branch Audit Offices.
- Scrutiny of proposals and issue of sanctions of HBA and Personal Computer cases and correspondence relating to custody/reconveyence thereof.
- Inward and outward statistical returns relating to above matters.
- Purchase stock and distribution of stationery and forms for use in Central Office.
- Purchase and proper maintenance of furniture in Central Office.
- Receiving General Dak, U.O. files etc., addressed to Central Office and distribution thereof to respective Sections.
- Office accommodation.
- Residential quarters.
- General maintenance of old Records and cleanliness thereof in Central Office.
- Telephone, intercom and fax related matters.
- Revision of Codes and Manuals issued under the authority of Director General of Audit, Post and Telecommunications, Delhi.
- Receipt and distribution of correction slips issued in respect of manuals issued by the Headquarters Office, Department of Post and Department of Telecommunications to various Sections in the Central Office and field offices where necessary.
- Arranging payment of bills in respect of printing of correction slips, Codes and Manuals, priced publications, News Paper bills and magazines etc.
- Maintenance of office library
- Receipt and distribution of Codes and Manuals, priced publication to all BAOs.
- Outsourcing of daily rated mazdoors.
- Supply of liveries and uniforms etc. to MTS and other entitled staff of Central Office.
- Cleanliness of the office building premises and toilets. supply of water and electricity, neatness of work place including removal of unwanted records, elimination of congestion in sections, adequacy of lighting and ventilation etc. in premises of Central Office.
- Provision of hot and cold weather arrangements in Central Office.
- Up keep of parking lots for cycles, scooters, cars and ensuring their safety and protection against sun and rain.
- Matters relating to staff car and hiring of vehicles.
- Security arrangements.
- New Capital construction work in IA&AD.
- Loss of National property.
- Holding of sports events/tournaments.
- Arrangements for get together and picnics etc. in Central Office.
- Liaison with Recreation Clubs, Co-operative Stores, Credit Societies, House Building Societies, etc., of Central Office.
- Leave including Casual Leave and Special Casual Leave.
- Departmental Canteen, Benevolent fund.
- Procurement of hardware and software for Central Office and BAOs
- All matters connected with the updation of hardware and software
- Demanding budget for IT heads from HQ and distribution thereof to F&C offices as per their requirement
- Maintenance of wifi dongles, their recharge and fund related tasks
- E-waste management
- Online Inventory Management.
- Pursuance of Annual Maintenance Contract of IT hardware of Central Office and BAOs
- Obtaining feed backs regarding utilization of hardware from BAOs and all correspondence with HQrs Office in respect of Information Technology
- Installation and maintenance of hardware, software and internet/broadband in Central Office
- Local Area Network/IAAD Net
- Management of softwares (e.g. Office 365, IDEA, Antivirus, Tableau, etc)
- Implementation of eOffice. Creation, Posting, transfer of employees and assigning their roles in eOffice. Resolving queries regarding eOffice raised by BAOs
- All matters relating to office website
- Creation, deletion & maintenance of email IDs for all F&C office staff (Generic, name based & designation based)