
Performance Audit of Systems and Controls in Assessment and Collection of Revenue from Major Minerals for the year ended March 2022 (Report No. 6 of the year 2024)

Date on which Report Tabled:
Wed 11 Sep, 2024
Date of sending the report to Government:
Fri 26 Jul, 2024
Government Type:
Sector -


This Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India for the year ended 31 March 2022 has been prepared for submission to the Governor of the State of Odisha under Article 151 of the Constitution of India and under CAG’s DPC Act 1971.

This Report contains results of a Performance Audit of Systems and Controls in Assessment and Collection of Revenue from Major Minerals which was conducted with the objectives to assess whether grant and extension of mining leases for extraction of minerals, were in accordance with applicable laws, rules and policies; reporting of mineral despatch and sales by lease holders, was checked for correctness, by authorities concerned; mining activities were being regulated in compliance with statutory and other applicable provisions; assessment and collection of mining revenues was being done in accordance with applicable laws and rules; and internal controls and monitoring mechanisms were functioning effectively, to prevent illegal mining and leakage of mining revenues.

The Performance Audit covered five selected Mining Circles of Steel and Mines Department and Directorate of Mines.

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