Departmental Canteen
The Departmental Canteen caters to the needs of over 2000 employees working in various offices in the AGCR Complex and functions under the control of the office of the Director General of Audit, Central Expenditure and Director General of Audit, Central Receipt with representation from Pr. AG(Audit) and PDA (ESM). New hygienic and delicious food like Poha, Upma, Sprouts have been added in the canteen menu. Canteen has been modernized with the purchase of vacuum cleaner, floor cleaner and Dishwasher with latest technology.

First Aid
There are 2 beds and a wheel chair to facilitate ailing employees First Aid is also provided to the members of the staff suffering minor injuries during duty hours. Welfare section has the facility for providing medicines for common cold and fever. Facility for checking of blood pressure and weight is also available. A training for 30 selected employees on first aid demonstration was organized on 10th January 2014 by the office through St. John’s Ambulance professionals in this field..

Social cause
Financial help was got arranged from the Delhi office staff on voluntary basis for the medical help for a needy colleague at Office of the A&E Nagpur.

Disaster Management.
Besides regular meeting on Disaster Management, Welfare wing with help of administrative wing has also organised a Fire Mock Drill by Delhi Fire Services professionals.

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