Indian Audit & Accounts Department
Page 9 of 13, showing 10 records out of 123 total
This Report contains significant audit findings which arose from the compliance audit of financial transactions of Civil Ministries/Departments and Autonomous Bodies. It contains XXI chapters. Chapter I gives a brief introduction while Chapters II...
In 1991, the Government of India (Gol) decided to invite foreign and domestic Private Sector Companies to participate in the development of discovered oil and gas fields, and in some cases, fields partially developed by the National Oil Companies...
Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY), a flagship scheme of the Ministry of Rural Development has been providing assistance to BPL families who are either houseless or having inadequate housing facilities, for constructing a safe and durable shelter. This...
The Government of India has been enacting a number of legislations in the area of social security. Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 is an important Act in this regard. The Act provides certain benefits to employees in case of sickness, maternity...
In the course of discharging its functions, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) is, inter alia, responsible for acquisition and maintenance of properties owned by the Government of India (Gol) in India and abroad. The MEA manages properties in...
In 2011-12, there were 354 central autonomous bodies whose accounts were to be certified under Section 19(2) and 20(1) of the CAG's (DPC) Act 1971. Government of India released Rs.36247.97 crore towards grants/loans to 222 central autonomous bodies...
The Supreme Court of India directed in October 2002 that a 'Compensatory Afforestation Fund' (CAF) shall be created in which all the monies received from the user-agencies towards compensatory afforestation, additional compensatory afforestation,...
This Report contains significant audit findings which arose from the compliance audit of the financial transactions of Civil Ministries. It contains 17 chapters. Chapter I gives a brief introduction while Chapters II to XVI present detailed audit...
This Report discusses the comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India on the accounts of the Union Government and analyses the finances of the Union Government for the year 2011-12. It also contains an analysis of the Appropriation...
The Government of India has enacted a number of legislations in the area of social security. Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 is an important Act in this regard. The Act provides for compulsory provident fund, pension ...