
Report No. 1 of 2015 - Performance Audit on Revenue Sector and Social, General and Economic Sector (PSUs) of Government of Delhi

Date on which Report Tabled:
Tue 30 Jun, 2015
Date of sending the report to Government:
Government Type:
Sector -


This Report comprises of two chapters containing audit findings pertaining to Revenue Sector and Social & Economic Sector (PSUs).

Chapter I relating to Revenue Sector contains three paragraphs involving Rs 98.39 crore,relating to under assesment,short payment/loss of revenue,interest and penalty etc.

Chapter II relating to PSUs-contains one Performance Audit and two paragraphs involving Rs 81.50 crore Thus,the total money value of this Report containing one Performance Audit and five audit paragraphs is

Rs  179.89 crore.

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