
Report No. 3 of 2013 - Compliance Audit on Economic sector non PSUs of Government of Delhi

Date on which Report Tabled:
Tue 02 Apr, 2013
Date of sending the report to Government:
Government Type:
Sector -


This Report is prepared for submission to the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi under Article 151 of the Constitution of India.

The Report contains findings of Thematic Audit, CCO-Based Audit and Audit of transactions of various Departments and Autonomous Bodies in General Sector and Economic Sector of the Government of NCT of Delhi.

The Report containing audit observations on matters arising from examination of Finance Accounts and Appropriation Accounts is presented separately.

The cases mentioned in the Report are among those which came to notice in the course of test audit of accounts during the year 2011-12 as well as those which had come to notice in earlier years but could not be dealt with in previous Reports; matters relating to the period subsequent to 2011-12 have also been included, wherever necessary. The audit has been conducted in conformity with the Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

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