Shri Shailesh Kumar Agrawal
Sr. Dy. Accountant General (Admn.) & (Addl. TAD & VLC) 
Email : agrawalsk[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in
Phone No : 0532-2623352
Assumed Charge : 01-01-2024


Shri Shailesh Kumar Agrawal is an IA&AS officer of the 2013 batch and joined as Asstt. Accountant General in O/o the Accountant General (E&RSA) UP, Lucknow, on 31.07.2015. He joined the Indian Audit and Accounts Department on 07-10-1987 as Section Officer (Commercial) in the O/o A.G. (Audit)-II, U.P. Lucknow (Commercial Audit Wing). He is an associate member of the Institute of the Cost Accountants of India. He has also passed CA (Intermediate) Examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He worked as an Assistant Audit Officer and Senior Officer from 1987-2015 in the office of the Accountant General (Audit-II) in Lucknow & Gwalior, U.P and O/o Director (Finance & Communication), in Lucknow. He has served in O/o PDCA & ex-officio MAB-III, New Delhi, and O/o DGA/PDA, NE Rly, Gorakhpur, during his tenure as Dy. Director and Director. He joined the post of Sr. Deputy Accountant General (Admn) in the O/o AG (A&E)-I, U.P., Prayagraj on 01.01.2024. 


Shri Vijay Singh Panwar
Dy.Accountant General (Fund)
Email : panwarvs[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in
Phone :  0532-2624343

Assumed Charge :  22-01-2024

Shri Vijay Singh Panwar is an IA&AS Officer of the 2021 batch. He is graduate in science from Kanpur University and subsequently MBA in finance from Jaipur National University. He joined Indian Audit and Accounts Department on 30/06/1990 and passed SOGE in 1996. He worked as Assistant Audit officer from 1997-2006 in the office of PAG Uttar Pradesh / Uttarakhand and in the office of Principal Director of Audit at London (May 2006 to May 2009). Further he worked as Sr. Audit Officer in the office of C&AG of India from May 2009 to May 2012 and then under the cadre control of office of AG/PAG (Audit) Uttarakhand, Dehradun.  He conducted the Audit of various Civil/autonomous Body Units including Audit of Embassies. He joined the post of Deputy Accountant General in the O/o AG (A&E)-I, U.P. Prayagraj on 22-01-2024.