
Ms. Nirmalamati Maisnam
Principal Director of Audit
Office of the Principal Director of Audit
Railway Production Units & Metro Railway
5th floor, New Koilaghat Building,
14, Strand Road, Kolkata 700 001
Phone No. (033) 2230 9246
FAX: (033) 2248 2813
E-mail: pdarlyrpu@cag.gov.in

Shri Manoj Kumar Srivastava
Deputy Director
Office of the Principal Director of Audit
Railway Production Units & Metro Railway
Branch: Banaras Locomotive Works
Varanasi 221 004
Phone No. (0542) 2270229
FAX: (0542) 2270059
E-mail: blwrpuvaranasi@cag.gov.in

Shri Alak Acharjee
Deputy Director
Office of the Principal Director of Audit
Railway Production Units & Metro Railway
Branch: Chittaranjan Locomotive Works
P.O. Chittaranjan Burdwan 713 331
Phone No. (0341) 2525108
FAX: (0341) 2525604
E-mail: brrpuburdwan.rpurly@cag.gov.in

Shri Barun Jyoti Chanda
Senior Audit Officer
Office of the Principal Director of Audit
Railway Production Units & Metro Railway
5th floor, New Koilaghat Building,
14, Strand Road, Kolkata 700 001
Phone No. (033) 2242 9034
FAX: (033) 2248 2813
E-mail: pdarlyrpu@cag.gov.in