Jammu and Kashmir State (Upto 30-Oct-2019)

Report of 2011 - Performance Audit on Revenue of Government of Jammu Kashmir

Date on which Report Tabled:
Date of sending the report to Government:
Government Type:
Sector -


This Report contains ten paragraphs including three Performance Audits on 'Cross Verification of Declaration Forms in Inter State Trade or Commerce', 'Computerisation in Motor Vehicles Department' and 'Assessment and Levy of Stamp Duty and Registration Fee' involving revenue implications of Rs. 39.90 crore,relating to system and compliance deficiencies leading to non/short levy of tax, interest, penalty etc.                                                                                     

The overall receipts of the State stood at Rs. 22233.65 crore at the end of 31 March 2011 as against previous years' receipts of Rs. 17587.82 crore indicating an increase of 26 per cent. The State's own revenue (Rs. 4575.69 crore) was 21 per cent of the total revenue receipts against 23 per cent in the preceding year. The balance 79 per cent were met from the funds received from Government of India (GOI) of which 82.63 per cent came in the form of Grant-in-aid. The Grant-in-aid from GOI constituted 65.62 per cent of the State's total revenue receipts.

Inspection reports issued upto June 2010 disclosed that 2053 paragraphs involving Rs. 1726.88 crore relating to 599 IRs remained outstanding at the end of June 2011. The large pendency of the IRs was due to non-receipt of replies which indicated failure of the Heads of Offices and Heads of the Departments to initiate action to rectify the defects, omissions and irregularities pointed out by us.

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