As an extension of the constant engagement of the department with other Supreme Audit Institutions and International Organisations, training is offered to officers from countries like Bhutan and Nepal. The international officers play an important role in enriching the training. The cross exchange of ideas, experiences and cultures widens the perspectives of all involved. Many of the international officers also have put in years of service in their respective Supreme Audit Institutions and bring with them the benefit of practical knowledge.
Over the years such an arrangement has become an integral part of the training at the Academy and the experience has fostered better relations and understanding with our neighbouring countries. The international officers return to their respective countries at the end of Phase I. The associations with friends and colleagues from various countries is a cherished memory of training for the IA&AS Officer Trainees and paves the way for continuous international engagement throughout their careers.
With the objective to give the Officer Trainees an international exposure to widen their outlook, to instill in the Officer Trainees the intellect to appreciate international best practices and to stimulate out-of-the -box thinking in the officers, the Officer Trainees are sent for a one-week overseas attachment during their Phase-II training at the Academy.
In this series, the IA&AS Officer Trainees of 2017 Batch including two officers from Royal Audit Authority, Bhutan were attached with office of the Director of External Audit (DEA), New York between August 19, 2019 and August 23, 2019.
The attachment was very enriching & enlightening experience for the Officer Trainees and provided a comprehensive view of UN, its functions and the structured way of working by the different Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) as members of UN Board of Auditors. During the study tour, the Officer Trainees also got the opportunity to interact with Mr. Syed Akbaruddin, Ambassador to the Permanent Mission of India in United Nations.
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