From the Editor's Desk
Wishing all the readers of this Journal of Government Audit and Accounts, a very happy, healthy and productive New Year 2016.
Innovations and improvements in presentation and dissemination of Audits Reports for easy understanding and reaching out to a wider section of stakeholders is an engaging and ongoing enterprise. We had featured a visual podcast on Flood Control & Drainage System in Delhi in the previous edition of the journal to encourage innovative ways of presentation, which was well received.
Subsequently, the Audit Advisory Board had welcomed the idea of such innovative initiatives for presenting and disseminating Audit Reports. The current edition of journal is therefore focussing on dissemination of CAG’s products in the digital age and illustrates innovative ways of leveraging visualisation and infographics in audit and accounts, which I hope you would find interesting.
Visualisations of the essence of Chapter I of Audit Report on Union Government Accounts for the year 2013-14 and crux of performance audit on Indira Awaas Yojana have been portrayed in this edition as two prezi slide show broadcasts. These are compatible and best viewed with Adobe Flash player version 11.1or above, so I request readers to download and install Adobe Flash player version 11.1 or above on your desktops.
Similarly, an overview of finances of Karnataka reported in Chapter I of the report on State Finances of Karnataka for the year 2012-13 has been depicted using infographics on auto slide mode. This edition also comprises an interesting article on use of visualisation techniques for Government Accounts presentation.
Present issue also carries the Big Data Management Policy adopted by the Department to enable data analytics in digital environment by deploying appropriate technology and data visualisation techniques.
The other regular features include the new policy initiatives, important judgements and news from International desk.
This is a platform for demonstrating creativity and innovations, please share novel ideas, thoughts, feedback and suggestions not only to improve the quality of this journal but also to potentially set off improvements in processes and governance within the Department. The Editorial Board is considering the theme of capacity building for the next edition of journal and I therefore request you to share your unique experiences and views on contemporary capacity building, which we can feature in our next edition.

(Meenakshi Sharma)
Director General
Professional Practices Group