List of Circulars and Orders

Subject Date of Issue
Filling up of Vacant Posts on Deputation basis2 posts of AAO (Admin) 10-12-2024

Filling up of Vacant Posts on Deputation basis

  1. 1 post of Sr.AO (Admin)
  2. 2 posts of AAO (Admin)
  3. 1 post of AAO (CKR)
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for providing legal assistance and logistics support to retired officials of IA&AD for appearance in Court. 31-07-2024

Filling up of Vacant Posts on Deputation basis
1 Post each of:

  1. Acct./Ar.: (Ar./Acct./Sr.Ar.Sr.Acct./Asst.Supr.)
  2. Pvt. Secretary: (Steno Gr-I)
  3. Stenographer: (Steno Gr-II)
Filling up of one SAO/AAO (OIOS Helpdesk) posts on deputation basis 30-01-2024
Filling up of one AAO (eHRMS) posts on deputation basis 10-01-2024

Filling up of Vacant Posts on Deputation basis
1 Post each of:

  1. Acct./Ar.: (Ar./Acct./Sr.Ar.Sr.Acct./Asst.Supr.)
  2. Pvt. Secretary: (Steno Gr-I)
  3. Stenographer: (Steno Gr-II)
  4. Asst. Casretaker: (Clerk/Typist)
  5. DEO Gr-A
Development of Pool of Faculties for Information Technology Courses. 28-07-2023
Filling up of two SAO/AAO (eHRMS Helpdesk) posts on deputation basis 28-07-2023
Corrigendum No. 1: Filling up of one SAO/AAO (OIOS Helpdesk) posts on deputation basis 25-07-2023
Filling up of one SAO/AAO (OIOS Helpdesk) posts on deputation basis 04-07-2023
Filling up of two SAO/AAO (eHRMS) posts on deputation basis 10-04-2023
Filling up of Vacant Posts on Deputation basis
1 Post of Core Faculty (Sr.AO)
2 Posts of Asst.Supr./Sr.Ar./Sr.Acct./Ar./Acct.
1 Post each of Pvt. Secy., Steno Grade -II, Asst. Caretaker and DEO Grade A
Filling up of Vacant Posts on Deputation basis
1 Post of Assistant Supervisor / Sr. Auditor / Sr. Accountant / Auditor / Accountant. 
1 Post each of Private Secretary, Stenographer
Filling up of Vacant Posts on Deputation basis
2 Posts of Assistant Supervisor / Sr. Auditor / Sr. Accountant / Auditor / Accountant. 
1 Post each of Private Secretary, Clerk Typist and DEO Grade “A"


Extension of time for application to posts of two Ar/Acct and one Pvt.Secy. on deputation basis 26-10-2021
Filling up of one AAO (OIOS) post on deputation basis 07-10-2021
Filling up of vacant posts of two Ar/Acct and one Pvt.Secy. on deputation basis 09-09-2021
EmpaneIment of retired IAAD officers as Expert Faculty 06-09-2021
Committee to handle cases of Sexual Harassment of working women at workplace 03-09-2020