General Courses

Course Name From Date To Date Document
Six-Week Orientation Training for Direct Recruit and Departmentally Promoted AAOs/Supervisors 29/01/2024 08/03/2024 (PDF 0.61 MB)
MCTP Level 2 (Batch 1) 04/12/2023 09/12/2023 (PDF 0.21 MB)
Phase I Induction Training including SAS preparatory for DRAAOs CGLE 2021 batch ( Civil Audit and Civil Accounts) 25/09/2023 18/12/2023 (PDF 0.44 MB)

IS Courses

Course Name From Date To Date Document
Public Financial Management System (PFMS), use of BEMS, iBEMS, Bhavishya Nidhi and other software used by Hqrs and field offices. (Online Training) 04/12/2023 08/12/2023 (PDF 0.13 MB)