Central Autonomous Bodies (CAB) or Central Expenditure Group/Wing was formed at Bengaluru during the year 2012 which is headed by the Principal Director of Audit (Central), Bengaluru and is responsible for the Audit of :-
1. Central Government Establishments located in the state of Karnataka under section 13 of CAG's DPC Act 1971.
2. Accounts of Autonomous Bodies which fall under Section 14, 19 & 20 of CAG's DPC Act 1971.
3. Any body/authority/institution/NGO which is substantially financed by Government of India in the State of Karnataka.
4. This group is headed by a Group Officer, and presently operating with 5 audit parties.
5. This group is with Audit Universe of 310 units in respect of Central Expenditure.
6. As a Primary Auditor, Financial Attest Audit of 8 Autonomous Bodies is conducted for issue of SARs.