Organisational Chart
The Office of the Principal Accountant General (Audit) came into existence in its present form in March 1984 consequent upon the re-structuring of the combined Audit and Accounts Offices of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.
The Office is headed by the Principal Accountant General (Audit) who is assisted by four Group Officers, a Welfare Officer, 19 Branch Officers and other staff. The office is organized into four distinct functional wings placed under four Group Officers viz. Administration and SFR, Social Sector, General & Revenue Sector and Economic Sector This office has no entitlement functions. Four Sectors and Welfare are being looked after by the Group Officer in charge.
Mr. Sushil Thakur Principal Accountant General Email id: thakursk2[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shri Pratik Patil Additional Charge- (Admn. & SFR) |
Ms. Rajwant Kaur
Deputy Accountant General, AMG-III (Revenue Sector & General Sector)
Email id: kourrajwant[at]cag[dot]gov[dot]in