Timeline for follow up of Audit Reports is prescribed in the Internal Working Rules of the Public Accounts Committee/Public Undertakings Committee of the Goa Legislative Assembly. According to it, the Administrative Departments were required to furnish Explanatory Memoranda (EM) to the Accountant General for vetting. The EMs in respect of the paragraphs included in the Audit Reports were to be furnished to the State Legislature within three months from the date of tabling of Audit Report.

Sector wise details of pending EMs for Audit Reports 2015-16 to 2020-21 are appended below

Year SS/GS Revenue Sector Economic Sector
2015-16 01 - 01
2016-17 - 01 -
2017-18 01 01 -
2018-19 04 01 01
2019-20 05 03 -
2020-21 03 03 -


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