In accordance with the Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgment and Ministry Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel Training) directions from time to time, a Committee has been constituted for dealing with the complaints of sexual harassment of working women in Regional Capacity Building and Knowledge Institute (RCBKI), Kolkata.


Ms. Aditi Sharma, IA&AS

Sr. Deputy Accountant General (O/o AG(Audit-II) WB),Kolkata



1. Sri Ujjal Bose, Sr. Audit Officer, RCBKI/Kolkata

3. Smt. Parijat Saikia, Asst. Audit Officer, RCBKI/Kolkata


The Committee will enquire into all types of complaints relating to harassment of women at workplace submitted by women employees (including casual /outsourcing employees) working in RCBKI, Kolkata.