About Us

Regional Capacity Building & Knowledge Institute, Hyderabad was established in July 2018 and is located in the ‘C’ Block of the Accountant General Office Complex. RCB&KI is under the administrative control of Director General. It caters to the training requirements of nineteen offices of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, as detailed below.
Sl.No. | Name of the office |
1 | Principal Accountant General (Audit),Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati |
2 | Accountant General (Audit), Telangana, Hyderabad |
3 | Principal Accountant General (Audit - I), Karnataka, Bengaluru |
4 | Accountant General (Audit - II), Karnataka, Bengaluru |
5 | Principal Accountant General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati |
6 | Accountant General (A&E),Telangana, Hyderabad |
7 | Principal Accountant General (A & E), Karnataka, Bengaluru |
8 | Director General of Audit (Central), Hyderabad |
9 | Principal Director of Audit (Central), Bengaluru |
10 | Director General Commercial Audit & Ex-officio Member Audit Board, Hyderabad |
11 | Principal Director of Commercial Audit & Ex-Officio Member of Audit Board, Bengaluru |
12 | Principal Director of Audit (South Central Railway), Secunderabad |
13 | Principal Director of Audit (South Western Railway), Hubli, Karnataka |
14 | Director of Audit (Fin. & Communication),Hyderabad |
15 | Director of Audit (Fin. & Communication), Bengaluru |
16 | Director of Audit, Environment and Scientific Department, Bengaluru |
17 | Director of Audit, Air Force, Bengaluru |
18 | Director of Audit, Navy, Mumbai Branch at Visakhapatnam |
19 | Resident Audit Office at Hyderabad, South Zone, Chennai Branch Office, O/o Principal Director of Audit (Agriculture, Food and Water Resources) New Delhi |
Regional Capacity Building & Knowledge Institute aims at developing and upgrading the skill levels and job knowledge of members of its user offices. Our objective is to determine the specific training needs of the user office as per their priorities, with reference to their annual work plan and specific jobs to be performed by target groups. RCB&KI is committed to :
- Keeping employees at the cutting edge of knowledge and practice.
- help optimize utilization of human resource
- Create a learning culture within the organization.
RCB&KI conducts General and EDP courses. Details of these are reflected in the Annual Training Calendar. Additionally, short duration specialized/ customized courses are designed and undertaken, catering to training needs specific to an office with clearly defined learning objectives and relevant to participants’ work programme. RCB&KI also undertakes Induction Training for DRAAOs.