Ms. Suhasini Gotmare
Principal Director of Audit
South Central Railway: Secunderabad
Ms. Suhasini Gotmare, Principal Director of Audit, South Central Railway, Secunderabad. She is graduate in M.A and Officer of Indian Audit & Accounts Service, 2002 batch. Worked in various capacities in different offices all over India of Indian Audit and Accounts Department. She has 20 + years of extensive auditing experience across all government sectors. She has done Audit of Sustainable Development Goals achievement of UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR PROJECT SERVICES (UNOPS) in Nepal, Cambodia and Thailand, Audit of Fraud Management of UNOPS in Denmark, embassy audits of Israel and Bhutan and she has done training of international auditors in Nanjing, China. She is a Certified Fraud Examiner and Certified Internal Auditor conferred by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and is the only such credential that is accepted worldwide. She is INTOSAI trained Facilitation expert in Performance Audit, a Trainer/ Resource person for Receipt Audit, GST, and Performance Audit.She has participated in the trilateral seminar as a part of Indian delegation in Suzdal, Russia
Previously she has worked in various offices viz., Office of Director General Audit of Central Receipts, New Delhi, Office of DG Audit (Central Revenue), Indian Audit and Accounts Department, as Principal Director of Audit for South East Central Railway, SAI, INDIA.
Contact Information (PDA Secretariat)
Phone: 040 - 27832439, 27830720
Email: pdarlyscr@cag.gov.in
Foreign Assignments
Sl.No | Particulars of Visit Abroad | Place(s) | Year | Duration |
1 | Workshop on facilitating ISSAI Implementation - Performance Audit | Thailand | 2013 | 30.09.13 to 05.10.13 |
2 | Embassy Audit of Indian Missions | 2015 | 22.03.15 to 08.05.15 |