The office of the Director General of Audit (Energy) came into existence w.e.f. 01.04.2020 consequent upon the merger of office of the Principal Director of Commercial Audit and MAB-II, Delhi & office of the Principal Director of Commercial Audit and MAB-III, Delhi vide CAG Headquarter notification No. 59/31-SMU/2018 dated 09.03.2020.
The audit jurisdiction of this office is 111 Government Companies/Deemed Government Companies, two Ministries (namely Ministry of Power and Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas), nine units of four CPSEs under sub-audit, 6 Central Autonomous Bodies (CABs) as principal auditor, 1 Externally Aided Project, 1 Statutory Body u/s 13, 4 units of 1 CAB as sub-auditor u/s 19 & 20 of CAG’s DPC Act, 1971 and 9 units of CABs/NGOs/Trusts u/s 14 of CAG’s DPC Act, 1971 as on December, 2020.
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