From the Editor's Desk
The eighth issue of the Journal of Government Audit and Accounts is on the theme of “Central Receipt Audit”, and contains articles on Direct Tax and Indirect Tax audit, as also some of the new initiatives taken up in Central Receipt Audit(CRA) on Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN),digital audit of revenues and a data hackathon conducted by the CRA Wing in Bengaluru. In this issue, we are featuring the Office of the Director General of Audit, Central, Kolkata which celebrates its Golden Jubilee this year.
The lead article on “Centre of Excellence in Digital Audit of Revenue” (CEDAR) discusses the objectives behind setting up the Centre, and some of the steps taken in the area of data analytics and digital audit of tax revenue. CEDAR is poised to steer the course of revenue audit of the Department in the digital revolution.
The article on “Audit of Shell Companies”-audit of Direct Tax, presents the audit approach and methodology adopted by the Office of the Director General of Audit, Central, Mumbai. This is a new and topical subject, made more interesting by the innovative manner in which the office has carried out the audit.
The article on Indirect Taxes is on the “Scheme of Project Imports”, a unique scheme that sought to achieve smooth and quick assessment of imports for certain projects by a simplified process of classification and valuation. The article shows how, as a result of various systemic and procedural problems, the expected benefits were not achieved, resulting in a decelerating trend in revenue generated under this scheme.
The new Indirect Tax Regime – Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a very significant step in the field of Indirect Tax reforms in India. The Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) is a key player in the GST regime and provides the technology backbone for GST. The article on “Audit of Goods and Services Tax Network” discusses the role of GSTN and the legal provisions relating to audit of GSTN by Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
The article on “Data Hackathon” organised by the Office of the Principal Director of Audit, Central, Bengaluru highlights a unique event aimed at encouraging innovation and out of the box thinking in participants engaged in data analytics in CRA offices. The article gives a vivid rendering of the process and the results, which stimulated creativity and a problem solving environment among participants.
The Office of the Director General of Audit, Central, Kolkata was set up on 1st January 1968. The office has made substantial contributions to Audit Reports, especially on Revenue Audit. Readers can learn more about the history and achievement of this office in the article titled “Office of the Director General of Audit, Central, Kolkata-A brief overview” and also view a short documentary prepared by the office on the occasion of its golden jubilee by clicking here.
We propose to continue with the thematic approach in future issues of the journal, and the next issue will be on “Standard Setting” in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department. We look forward to your continued feedback and support in making the journal a vibrant and valuable tool for knowledge dissemination in the Department.

Director General
Professional Practices Group